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Minou (“Mee-New”) is lost!

Lost Date December 8th, 10:16pm
Wearing collar? No
Last seen at 1201 Millwood Ave, Brockville, ON K6V 6J4, Canada
Went missing between 7&10 last night. He may have slipped out while I brought his litter to the outside bin. He doesn’t normally go outside and it’s cold and he is very mellow so I’m worried.


pet found at marker location on map

Minou (“Mee-New”)

Minou (“Mee-New”), a Black, White Tabby  Cat
Breed Tabby
Species Cat

Basic Information

Colour Black, White
Gender Male
Approximate Age 7 years old
Identifying Markings The white on his face is not symmetrical - black on one side of his snout, he has white paws and his hind legs bow a little, his paws are large and he’s king haired but recently groomed
Coat Black with white detail and a little ombré on one side of his belly due to a recent trim
Pet Biography Minou is from the SPCA, he is a loving, lazy cat who loves food, people and young cats. He’s been with us for about 6 years and recently received a new brother kitten. He lives indoors because he is easily spooked by the elements. He also hates car rides.

Owner Information

Phone Number (343) 264-2114
Home Address 1201 Millwood Ave # 90
Brockville ON K6V 6J4

Pet Care Information

Pet Temperaments Mild
Friendly with People Yes
Friendly with Children Yes
Friendly with Cats Yes
Type of Food Purina One Indoor
Feeding Schedule and Amount Half a cup around 9am and half a cup around 9pm
Permissible Foods Bistro black label single serve wet food he likes salmon, whiskis cat treats
Exercise Requirements Very lazy

Medical Information

Vaccines Rabies, Lukemia, distamper
Medications His vet is located on water street 613-345-3401
Allergies Sensitive skin
Conditions Recently treated for worms, labs haven’t come back yet
Veterinarian Brockville Animal Hospital